Digital Breakthroughs Powered by IoT

It’s not big gold that our devices from our watches to the cars and refrigerators we use every day have evolved and do much more than originally planned thanks to the miracle of IoT. By reducing human activity and making our homes smarter, the Internet of Things is fast becoming one phenomenon that will bring the future to the threshold of humanity.
IoT, or Internet of Things, refers to an extended Internet connection that includes everyday objects and how these objects interact with our daily lives. And while the speed at which these devices have penetrated our lives seems natural when it meets consumer demands, savvy digital marketers have seen it as an opportunity to harness its power and adapt to industry-wide changes.
But how exactly do they take advantage of this technology?
Keep reading to find out.
1. Use of large data
Obtaining IoT has enabled a wider range of information from different points of contact. For a digital marketer, this is very helpful in understanding the customer journey from start to finish. Big data allows the marketer to see where the customer is on their way, and as a result, they can create more points of contact for positive customer interaction. This increased customer access allows marketers to find new ways to communicate and make meaningful connections early in the buyer phase rather than at the time of purchase.
After that, marketers should be aware of data protection laws and worry about how customer data is used. Data protection laws, such as the GDPR and CASL regulations, have been enforced, and if you are found guilty of misusing customer data, you may be charged a substantial fine of up to € 20 million or 4% of your annual income.
2. Impact on the SEO industry
Beth Kotz had suggested that people specializing in search engine optimization would experience a significant change in their field and that search engines would seek to understand users ’intentions rather than hone the keyword. The advent of Apple Sir, Amazon Alexa, and Google Home means that instead of categorizing websites based on keyword inclusion, they are now categorized based on the natural language used in the content. which is due to the humanization of language when speaking to artificial intelligence instead of typing in the search bar.
3. Self-aware and self-diagnostic devices
Not only are our phones and cars self-confident, they are self-diagnosing! If it sounds vague to you, let us paint you a clear picture.
This new feature allows devices to know exactly when they need service. Prior to product failure, manufacturers and customers will be notified of an appointment for service. Refrigerators know when your inventory is coming over or if inventories are running low so orders for groceries can be placed for storage.
We are working closer and closer to a time when connected devices with artificial intelligence dictate our operations on a daily basis. They affect all your critical decisions and take control in almost every area. That way the data can be obtained.
4. Platform independence
Commodity products such as washing machines, air conditioners, refrigerators, coffee makers, etc., can be controlled with smartphones, voice commands, network platforms and smart wearable devices. This feature applies to all devices to which switches are connected. The platform will eventually be standardized, allowing manufacturers to develop smart products that can communicate between brands.
5. Enhanced market research
Another great news is that IoT is now making digital market research for marketers even bigger and better. The increasing speed of using IoT devices at home gives digital marketers access to the data being analyzed. This increase in knowledge allows marketers to streamline their processes and reach niche audiences in many different ways.
6.IoT-compatible entertainment systems
Users can now stream music from any corner of the home. also different music can be played from different rooms. And if that’s not all, the music systems work together with lights and blinds to create the perfect atmosphere for the listeners.
7. A better world with IoT
With IoT, our homes are now smart enough to optimize energy use. Presence sensors are now able to detect when there are no people in the room and turn off the lights and AC power. also the intensity of the light is now monitored and controlled.
8. The Internet of Things will become safer
IoT can be made secure if all the networks connected to it are protected in the early stages of application design by continuous authentication and data verification. Security can be maintained with proper encryption, tested APIs, and strong authentication. Soon, IoT will have a broad impact on our daily lives, so experts will do their best to install security in applications to prevent security breaches from occurring.
Let’s now look at the statistics below: -
Ericcson predicts that the number of IoT cellular connections is expected to reach 3.5B in 2023 and grow at a CAGR of 30%. (Forbes)
The inflation point for IoT equipment and services will be 18–20% in 2019.
Global IoT technology spending will reach $ 1.2T in 2022, reaching a CAGR of 13.6% over the forecast period 2017–2022.
Bain predicts that the combined IoT market will grow to about $ 520 billion in 2021, more than double the $ 235 billion spent in 2017.
Final thoughts
IoT is increasingly affecting our entire lives, but it doesn’t stop there. Companies in every sector are experiencing the impact of IoT on change, and it has paved the way for new business opportunities, efficiency and cost-effectiveness, not to mention improving the customer experience. Together with artificial intelligence and machine learning, IoT will make business cases more fascinating in 2019 and beyond.